Digital Scholar Reviewed by Vignesh - A Premium Digital Marketing Institute
Digital Scholar - Premium Digital Marketing Institute Hey, I’m Vignesh, and I attended the free demo session for Digital Scholar which the team conducted on a weekend. The registration process was smooth as my slot was easily booked with just a simple over the call registration. I was in a dilemma about joining the course and this free demo session was a great way to have insights and arrive at a decision. The reason I wanted to take up Digital Marketing was for my personal branding, and who better to guide in this field that SoravJain . Right from the word go, the energy in the camp was amazing and they made the attendees feel pumped up. They walked us through the course journey and how starting a blog was very important if you need to establish a personal brand for yourself. And hence to take that up, I started my first ever blog and tried to position myself in my niche. Overall it was a very informative session. I found the module to be up...